Had a really good saturday with my friends Minna and Sara. Minna and I grabbed a coffee in the city and a crêpe. So delicious! And later we went home to my apartment and made some dinner and talked alot. Sara arrived a couple of hours later and after some chatting and drinking we went to Prive to party. Got home in a quit decent time but to bed like 05.. Sunday mum called like 10am, I had promised her to maybe come with them to Copenhagen to watch the Halloween at Tivoli. But I had a headache, but went with them anyway. Some painkillers and a shower and then I was "ready". Had a great time and a really good luck with the weather in the beginning before the rain came.
And monday- thuseday I have been in school and studied the course Business law, and today I have been working. So im a bit tired now, but will soon go for a walk.
Right now Im at my mums place in Osby, will be here til sunday before I go back to Malmö.
Have stuff to do here, and a halloweenparty this weekend to attend to=) Have not set my outfit yet, but will fix it before saturday.
Lalalala jag hittade din blogg. ;)