lovely weekend
Such a lovely weekend. Have been workingout. I tried Bodybalance yesterday aswell, think I will try it again. Met Birgitta for a walk and a coffee yesterday in the sun. The weather is just amazing! Feels great to see the sun light and the blue sky pop up after all the bad weather. You can see the city full of ppl and everyone is it the outdoor teraces in every coner or in the parks. Today I have been down at the sea for a little while but it was to windy:/ I were suppose to take a new walk now but I got stuck with my ass in the sofa. So will prob start cleaning and stuff insted, are indeed to do it anyway. ><
The weekend is one the last song and tomorrow its back to business.... But I can't wait. My other half is coming <3 Finally! Have been waiting soooo... But at wednesdaymorning it will be 3 weeks til I see him again. He's going to Thailand. Just a little jealous of him...