The invisible helmet
At my internship Im responsible for the social media. And during the days I read, watch and learn alot of new stuff and hear about news I wouldn't do otherwise. A new one I saw today while I was searching for information and I was googling was about the invisible helmet. Just like that. I use my bike in Malmö, moste of the time, and I never use a helmet. I don't even own one..I know we are a lot of ppl don't using it.. The invinsible one would be a perfect fit. It's made from 2 swedish girls and you can watch the video here. I would really like to see one irl. I just think is so super cool.

image borrowed from from
Hope u all are enyoing your friday.
Ah, min namn trillade bort av nån anledning. Men finns på Designtorget iaf! :)